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Ashley Slimak

Research Finds Cannabis Users are Unfamiliar with Terpenes

benefits of cannabis terpenes

Do you know what cannabis terpenes are?

If not, you’re not alone. According to a recent survey, 70 percent reported that they were unfamiliar with the term. 

Despite industry efforts to raise awareness around terpenes, the majority of patients are still unaware of what they are and why they are important. 

What are cannabis terpenes?

Simply put, terpenes are the chemicals that determine how things, like cannabis, smell. Cannabis terpenes are the aromatic oils that give users recognizable flavors such as mint, pine, berry and citrus. There are over 100 different terpenes in the cannabis plant. Terpenes can intensify or downplay the effects of the cannabinoids, determining how they help relieve symptoms for different medical conditions. 

Why are terpenes important?

Each terpene has a different effect on the consumer. Some can leave users feeling relaxed or promote stress relief, while others boost productivity and focus. When using medical marijuana, it's critical to have some background on cannabis terpenes to know which ones could potentially help treat your unique medical condition. 

Which terpenes will work for me?

That depends on what symptoms your looking to relieve and what your treatment goals are. For example, if you’re looking to reduce anxiety and stress, a Sativa dominant strain may not be the best fit. Typically, Sativa strains with a high THC content can cause an increase in anxiety. Alternatively, to decrease stress and anxiety, a budtender might suggest a hybrid or Indica-dominant strain with terpenes such as Myrcene to promote calming effects or Caryophyllene which to promote stress relief.  

Why haven’t I heard of terpenes?

The research shows that it’s likely because you get your cannabis information from your friends. In fact, nearly half of cannabis consumers reported that they use cannabis with someone else - such as a friend, significant other, or family member - which directly correlates with how consumers tend to get their cannabis knowledge. Terpenes can be extremely helpful in the medical marijuana industry, but the survey stresses the importance education in users and urges cannabis brands and companies to educated consumers on how information, like terpenes, can help treat their medical condition.

Follow us on social media for more education on cannabis, terpene benefits and strain recommendations!


If you are a Virginia resident suffering from a medical condition you think may benefit cannabis, you're likely eligible for medical marijuana treatment.

Click here to learn more about what Virginia Marijuana Card's state-certified medical marijuana doctors can do for you, or give us a call at (888) 633-5808 and our friendly support team can walk you through the entire process and schedule you for an evaluation appointment.

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